A luxury travel advisor for the modern traveler.

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work with us

Cliffs of Moher and Jennifer planned our epic two week long safari in South Africa, and we promise that we will never book another trip without her! Everything was absolutely perfect - thank you so much Jennifer!

don + Miranda Smith, south africa honeymoon

When we started planning our trip we were overwhelmed and confused on the best place to go, but working with Jennifer at Cliffs of Moher changed all of that! Instead we were able to enjoy our trip knowing that the details were handled!

Sue & rob Miller, Ireland anniversary trip

We could not have dreamed of a better experience than the one we had with Cliffs of Moher. Everything from our trains to accomodations that went above and beyond... It was truly a magical 60th birthday trip! Thank you so much Jennifer!

Hunter & Robin Bradley, 60th Ireland birthday

about the founder

Jennifer Johnson

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